Thursday 3 January 2008

Other Hobbies

Aside running and Playing football i enjoy playing my xbox 360 and watching football games. My favourite xbox games are Gears of War, Fifa 08 and Pro Evo 08. i have other games but don't often play them. Below is a video of a screamer i scored with Peter Crouch on Pro, !! watch the vid until the end, it gets clear (ish)

I also love listening to music. I like all types of music especially Hip Hop & Soul. I listen to music when i run, especially as i'm often alone so it doesn't get to boring, i have all types of music on my Zen from 2pac to Enya! I was at a wedding a few years back and i was convinced i found 2pac alive and well, you be the judge? on the right! ! !

As i'm still at uni part time i dont get chance to read much, apart from study books and magazines, but when i do get chance i like to read books about my heroes and inspirations. I have read a few books about Dr David Livingstone and i have been to his museum in Africa, i like him so much as he dedicated his life to helping others and discoved some great places. I also like Muhammed Ali, Tupac Shakur (for the side that not many people see, his dedication to education and for studying under street lights just to get into college as his mom couldn't afford electricity sometimes) My other inspirations are my parents, especially my Dad who helped my so much with my football life when i was growing up, he took me all over the country and made sure i had the best equipment, even when he lost his business, our house and pretty much everything i still never went without, i'll put some family pics on here in the near future!

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