Sunday 29 July 2007


Me and Jamillah (Amelia) got married in Oct 2006 and moved into our own place straight away. We are now expecting our first child! this is the reason why i have started documenting certain aspects of life on the web.

My wife has a degree (Bsc) and Masters (Msc) in Economics and studied at the 4th best university in England. She was originally from Africa where her family still live, my family are English/Irish and live just down the road, thats mom, dad, sister and niece!

Darcey Rose

We are expecting our first child on 6th March, a daughter to be precise. we have had a few 2d scans and our own private 4d scan. Its pretty amazing as you get to see all parts of the body to make sure she/he is safe and well. There is no particular reason why we chose the name Darcey, it was just a name we could both agree on!!
Darcey is now 5 months old!! very bright (and noisy) and as you can see from the picture she is beautiful. I got her first Villa kit a few weeks ago!

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